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Zobrazují se příspěvky z únor, 2014

Oklamání Ikara

Pár výpisků z knížky od Setha Godina: The Icarus Deception. Výborná knížka, doporučuji. Strategy and tactics live on the outside, in the cold world of consultant and spreadsheets. They are things we do without changing the way we think We are willing to pay you extra money for is what we don't assume, what we can't get easily and for free. High quality work is no longer scarce. Competence is no longer scarce. What's scarce is trust, connection and surprise. The opposite of coherent is interesting. Competent people enjoy being competent. One you are good at something, changing what you do or moving to a new way of doing it will be stressful because it will make you (momentarily) incompetent. "Courage is telling our story, not being immune to criticism" Brené Brown Courage is the willingness to speak the truth about what you see and to own what you say Make connections: Make a difference. Make a ruckus. Make a legacy. The industrial system has...