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Oklamání Ikara

Pár výpisků z knížky od Setha Godina: The Icarus Deception. Výborná knížka, doporučuji.

Strategy and tactics live on the outside, in the cold world of consultant and spreadsheets. They are things we do without changing the way we think

We are willing to pay you extra money for is what we don't assume, what we can't get easily and for free.

High quality work is no longer scarce. Competence is no longer scarce. What's scarce is trust, connection and surprise.

The opposite of coherent is interesting.

Competent people enjoy being competent. One you are good at something, changing what you do or moving to a new way of doing it will be stressful because it will make you (momentarily) incompetent.

"Courage is telling our story, not being immune to criticism" Brené Brown

Courage is the willingness to speak the truth about what you see and to own what you say

Make connections: Make a difference. Make a ruckus. Make a legacy.

The industrial system has created the worker-proof factory. The system cares. It is okay if the person at the bank doesn't care - the real work is done by an ATM or a spreadsheet.

Just because you're winning a game doesn't mean it's a good game.

We’ve been trained to prefer being right to learning something, to prefer passing the test to making a difference, and most of all to prefer fitting in with the right people…

The internet and the connection economy turn the economics of mass on its head. It's now cheaper and more efficient to make edgy, amazing products for the weird edge cases (who are listening and talking and who care) than it is to push yet another average product onto the already overloaded average people in the middle of the curve.

The search for the right answer is the enemy of art. The right answer belongs to the productivity-minded industrialists, to Taylor and denizens os Scientific Management. The best we can hope for is an interesting answer.

Management is about generating yesterday's result, but a little faster and a little more cheaply.

If you ask someone for the rule book on how to lead, you're secretly wishing to be a manager.

As Ethel Merman sang about the Unhappiness of the workingman, they "get paid for what they do, but no applause".

I don't care how many friends you have on Facebook or how many followers you have on Twitter. I care about how much people will miss you if you're not back here again tomorrow.

Compliance over inspiration.

Correct is fine, but it is better to be interesting.

"Attention by other people is the most irresistible of drugs" Catarina Fake (Flickr founder)

Six daily habits for artist: 1) Sit alone, sit quietly. 2) Learn something new w/o any apparent practical benefit. 3) Ask individual for bold feedback, ignore  what you hear from the crowd. 4) Spend time encouraging other artist. 5) Teach, with the intent of making change. 6) Ship something that you created.

Love is a commitment to a person, not to that person's behavior.

"This might not work" isn't merely something to be tolerated; it's something you must seek ut.

When someone is power says "Why did you do this?" we've been trained to respond "Because I was told". This is apparently a safe answer, a defense against responsibility. "I was doing my job" is supposed to be insulate us from shame.

The masses (by definition) aren't pleased by the new; they are pleased by what others think.

The resistance is not something to be avoided; it's something to seek out.

The dangerous addiction is to keep expanding the audience until we find people who hate our work.

Our eyes don't lie, but our brain does. All the time. Our worldview changes what we see and how we interpret what we learn, making us blind. And we are blind to our blindness. People change their opinion about fashion or politics or food depending on whom they are listening to or what party they think originated an idea. The price of a bottle of wine has a direct impact on how good even the most discerning wine experts say it tastes.

You can risk being wrong or you can be boring.

...they believe that their job is to do surgery, not to actually make people get better.

Writer block isn't hard to cure. Just write. Do it every day..

Ask everyone to write down their real problem. Swap cards with the person sitting next to them. How did you feel to write down the problem. How did you feel to know that the person mas maybe, just maybe going to write down a valid solution? Are you prepared to admit that the problem was unsolvable.

The magic of Steve Jobs wasn't in being right. It was in being sure.

Freedom isn't the ability to do whatever you want. It's the willingness to do whatever you want.

Funktionslust: it describes the love of doing something merely for the sake of doing it, not simply because it's likely to work.

Best question you can ask an artist is "How is this going to work?"

If you're not able to understand the work from the audience's point of view, probably better to say nothing.

The goal is to keep playing, not to win.

The success are about the privilege of doing more work, not about the winning.

Anxiety is experiencing failure in advance

Effort isn't the point, impact is.


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